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Topic: “Flashbacks”

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Learn more and watch videos of Veterans sharing their experiences with flashbacks and what they did to get on a path to recovery.

Mental Health Care Options Give Veterans Many Ways To Heal

The stories that Ryan, Greg, and Bridget are sharing for Mental Health Month show there are many treatment paths Veterans can take to reach the same destination: enjoying a fuller life.

3-minute read

PTSD, Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs, Traumatic Brain Injury, Physical Injury, Flashbacks, Depression, Nightmares

Next Mission: College

Stephen didn’t consider getting VA help with his transition out of the U.S. Army because he felt that other Veterans were more deserving of support. But when his adjustment to student life proved difficult, VA counselors gave Stephen the tools and resources he needed to succeed in his new mission.

3-minute read

PTSD, Transitioning From Service, Flashbacks

Stop the Free Fall

A new public service announcement from Make the Connection reminds Veterans that resources and support can help them navigate life’s challenges.

1-minute read

Transitioning From Service, Feelings of Hopelessness, Flashbacks

A Chance at Redemption

Veterans Treatment Courts offer Veterans who have become involved with the justice system a way to turn their lives around.

6-minute read

Feelings of Hopelessness, Homelessness, Flashbacks

Rebuilding Family Bonds

When Drew, a U.S. Army Veteran, transitioned out of military service, he faced depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder, and he withdrew from his family and friends. Treatment helped him address these challenges, and a heartfelt conversation with his dad helped rebuild his family bonds.

5-minute read

PTSD, Flashbacks, Family and Relationships

Torn Between Worlds

Some Veterans experience trauma over and over because sudden flashbacks won't let them leave the past in the past.

5-minute read

PTSD, Flashbacks, Transitioning From Service, Depression, Stress and Anxiety

Healing Through the Power of Therapy and Art

Learn how Phyllis, a U.S. Navy Veteran, found ways to cope with her PTSD through therapy and expressing herself through her paintings.

3-minute read

PTSD, Flashbacks

Four Stories That Will Inspire You This Mental Health Awareness Month

Servicemembers continue to inspire us after their military service. Read four inspiring stories of Veterans who overcame challenges such as PTSD and problems with drugs.

6-minute read

PTSD, Problems with Drugs, Physical Injury, Military Sexual Trauma, Flashbacks, Transitioning From Service